Who We Serve

Trace Kenya works to fight the trafficking and the commercial exploitation of children, youth, women and persons with disability in the tourism and travel industry in Kenya.We advocate for better protection of children that live and work on the streets – especially those facing trafficking for forced begging and child labour. We facilitate migrant labor advisory, support safe migration, protect migrant laborers from trafficking and offer psycho-social support to victims of forced labor and slavery. Trace Kenya advocates for restoration of human dignity and slavery free world at local, national, regional and international level.


Trace Kenya seeks to rescue, rehabilitate and reintegrate children at risk of commercial sexual exploitation and facing worst forms of child labour through family reunions and community settlement.


Trace Kenya seeks to rescue, rehabilitate and reintegrate unsafe young migrants, youth at risk of forced labor, modern day slavery and sexual exploitation, and trafficking for exploitative purposes.


Trace Kenya seeks to rescue, rehabilitate and reintegrate women who are most vulnerable populations facing human trafficking in Kenya for commercial sexual exploitation, and labor exploitation.

Persons with Disability

Trace Kenya seeks to rescue, rehabilitate and reintegrate persons with disability facing human trafficking in Kenya for labor exploitation, street begging and other forms of human exploitation.
We have supported more than 900 children and over 700 men and women who have been victims of child trafficking and forced labor

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Trace Kenya has supported more than 900 children to enjoy education after rescue from child trafficking. Over 700 young men and women in slavery have benefited from Trace Kenya work. 
Our Head Office
Trace Kenya, Mtwapa Pride Apartments Suite 18 no.4
P.O. Box 34287-80118, Kilifi, Kenya
Copyright © 2024 Trace Kenya | All Rights Reserved
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